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What's Wrong With George Bush?

While we may be qualified to judge that SOMETHING is wrong,
it would take medical experts deeply involved with the patient to
give a more accurate diagnosis.

The somewhat frightening "presenile dementia" description merely says that there are some cognitive deficits at a younger age than normal - this does not describe any particular condition. (Sort of like noting that I limp without knowing why - though I can tell you it's a bit of arthritis in my left hip.)

However, we have some hypotheses - here are the leading candidates.

1. He's tired, stressed, and ten years older. Some say it's just wear and tear and a more complicated job (easier to be an expert on Texas) responsible for the dramatic difference. They also argue that he was ALWAYS that way - however, this does not seem to be the case - all of the 1994 debate video has George Bush coming off pretty darn sharp. (Clearly, well-rehearsed by Karl Rove)

2. "Wet Brain." This is a phrase used by AA counselors to describe a common condition with those who have a history of heavy drinking. This is consistent with George Bush's younger days. There are related conditions like "dry drunk syndrome" and this whole area includes some other behavioral observations - like being short-tempered (think debate #2). For more, read

3. Korsakoff Syndrome. There are long links explaining and defining this particular condition - a brain disorder usually associated with heavy drinking. Do a google on this and you'll find long descriptions. Here's a short one.

4. A small stroke or seizure. Before we started on this, we would have dismissed this - but then again, remember "the pretzel incident?" There is a bit of unsubstantiated rumor from the White House from TBR that has the ring of possibility – but these days, doesn't everything? Here's an excerpt…
"At some time in the past, according to both [redacted] and [redacted] the President suffered what one of his aides called "a very minor seizure"
and as a result of this, the President has a very difficult time following any unscripted conversations. For this reason, his staff carefully and
aggressively protect the President from "unexpected" questions that he is
not capable of answering."
"The President takes oral medication at least twice a day according to [redacted] because of an unspecified "indisposition' and this subject is
strictly off limits for any casual staff conversation."
"At one point during a staff conference, the President stood up and began to speak in an unknown language. Mr. Rove was able to stop the President and get him to resume his seat. It was reported by [redacted] that for a period of time (about fifteen minutes) after this incident, the President appeared to be 'somewhat confused and very inarticulate.'"
"White House staff members report that they rarely see the President during work hours and that when they do, he is generally accompanied by Mr. Rove and almost never either looks at or speaks to members of the staff. He does
not appear to recognize many of the staff members and almost all contact
with these individuals are carried out by his close aides, especially by Mr. Rove."
“Bush holds as few meetings with the public, including the press, as possible. We get reams of official papers informing us of this or that new directive. Those of us who have an inside track with the staff are taken to dinner and given the questions to ask Bush. These are questions he has been thoroughly briefed on and has memorized the answers for. Anyone who persists in pushing the envelope gets a rocket from the Rove people and does not get invited back.”

5."He's just stupid." Hey, maybe the 1994 stuff was an exception - small topic, well-rehearsed by Karl Rove, younger, more energy… The 1994
George Bush may not be as different as he seems. I'm saying that because he may win and do you really want to go through the next four years worried about a White House conspiracy to hide an incompetent President from us - while he runs the country. Yikes!